Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook Meme 9-19-09

Taken from The Simple Woman's Daybook

September 19, 2009

Outside my window...
The sun is trying to decide if it should shine down on us or not. The willow branches are dancing in the wind.

I am thinking...
About everything that has to get done this weekend. Gotta finish up my book case and organize my desk along with getting a jumpstart on homework. I am relieved that the teen’s band competition was cancelled that way we have a little bit more time.

I am thankful for...
Having a supporting husband that worked concessions last night so I could get homework done.

From the kitchen...
Thinking about making some raisin bread for tomorrow morning. Would love some squash and zucchini kabobs from the grill with some chicken. Perhaps make some chocolate cake brownies for desert.

I am wearing...
The usual for fall, jeans and a t-shirt.

I am creating...
A homework schedule for myself so that I stay on track with my college studies.

I am going...
To Verizon this afternoon to fix a problem with one of the phones, I hope.

I am reading...
a lot of college books… hehe… for fun? The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe.

I am hoping...
That I will get a hang of being in college and do well. My grades concern me but I know this is the Lord’s will.

I am hearing...

Around the house...
Slowly starting on a fall clean up. Gonna have to start going through clothes and toys.

One of my favorite things...
I love to sit on campus at APSU in front of the MUC at one of the tables with the afternoon sun warming me while reading or socializing with a friend.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Homework, chores, homework, homework and homework

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

This is of our new puppy, Hikari.

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