Sunday, December 20, 2009

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I am trying to get ready for Christmas.. I can't believe it's Friday! We are slowly getting it together thought.

This year I have had a problem that I had not expected. In a time that is political correctness and not wanting to offend anybody we are discovering that the emphasis on Santa Claus is stronger than ever.

See, we don't do Santa. We never really have. It was rush over to this house and that house Christmas Eve and Christmas day when my two girls were little. (K & B) One year I remember K asking why Santa could only bring toys to Nanny's house. Then me and their dad divorced and the whole visitation schedule interfered with all of it. During this time, I started getting closer to God and felt that for my girls was to put the emphasis back on the birth of Jesus.

So, for ten years we have not had Santa in our home. When me and Jeff got married we compromised for A & J and made a tradition of having a special devotion on St. Nicholas day(December 6) to share the truth behind the myth and also to give glory to God in the works of a godly man. St. Nicholas lived to help others. This is a good value to share with the kids, too. For Christmas once everybody is home we read the story of Jesus' birth up to the angels announcing it to the shepherds. We save the story of the three wise men for twelfth night (January 6). For our family, everything we do turns the focus on God. The kids love it because they get a small gift on St. Nicholas day (usually something little that will fit in a shoe), they get Christmas presents from Jesus (because Jesus is the provider of all our needs), and then on Twelfth Night there are little gifts (gold, frankincense and myrrh which translate to chocolate coins, jewelry, perfume, etc).

Anyhow, as I was saying, up until this year we haven't had a problem with anybody trying to convince the kids otherwise. And let me note that we tell the kids that there are others that do believe in Santa and it is completely their choice. We just don't in our home.

One day Benji comes home and tells me that Santa is coming to our house and he is excited, reasonably so, and I remind him that Jesus brings our gifts. He then says no, Ms. teacher said Santa brings them. I explained to B that Santa is just a story based off of St. Nicholas and remind him about that. He says that's right and all is well. Then a few days later we have almost the exact same conversation. I didn't want to go up to the school and cause a scene, I know how Benji takes things so literal. I was hoping that it was just a misunderstanding. So I left it, figure I have a week from the time school gets out until Christmas to fix it. I am not sure I did the right thing.

What would you do if your family believed a certain way and it was not with the majority? I have half a mind to write a letter for next school year explaining that our kids do not go Trick or Treating and that we do not have Santa Claus.

My kids have just as much if not more fun that the ones that do. Do the Santa Claus kids have 3 days that they get gifts? Do they learn the history of the season? Does their season only last a couple days where ours lasts a month?

I better think ahead about Easter too I suppose.

May you all have a blessed Christmas!

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