Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a Beautiful day!

And I am not entirely certain I will get to enjoy it. LOL... figures right?

On tap today is Benji at preschool (which he is there now until 10:45), weeding out the front flower bed that I keep putting off... I really need to do it, Benji's physical therapy evaluation, and I think that is it. I pray it is at least.

I have to find my insurance cards, I have misplaced my black book with all of them in it. I do think I have copies of Benji's cards though so I should be okay. His PT evaluation is basically a repeat of the one in January... more of than on his blog though. ( The appointment is in Fairview, which I am not very familiar with so I will google the address and leave about 2pm.

The flower bed, we didn't put weed block down because we want what we planted to spread out. Unfortunately, grass, dandelions, and Lord only knows what else has decided they like the soil. Other than that I think when we get back from Benji's appointment I am gonna plant my
potatoes... (late I know.. but I think it will be okay.) I am going to till in some good black top soil into the potato bed and see if it helps... the squash and cucumbers are looking blah and the tomatoes aren't looking too hot. We forgot to amend the soil when we started.

I am praising God that there is no practice or games tonight! We need evenings where we can just sit at home and work or relax... Jeff did say he wanted to start on the fence to go around the pool this evening. It's just a 3 ft metal fence and it is within our fence that we will be putting it. We think it is best so the boys stay out of the pool when we aren't back there. Shouldn't be too hard to put up either.

Oh! 2 of the 3 grape vines I have planted have green on them! I think the third one might too. I am excited! I know we probably won't get grapes this year, but knowing that we will in the future and that we are growing them is just awesome! Isn't it awesome when we turn to the
land and work it as God intended? I hope we can get some apple trees either this fall or next spring.

I had better get, need to find the insurance cards and at least get started on the flower bed.

What is everybody planning on doing for the weekend?

Faith Johnson ~ Christian Parenting ~ Our Family Site

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13



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