Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday's Child

Good Evening... Today was Benji's 6 month check up on his heart... check out the update

Our week will be a bit crazy... Band Rehearsal, Drama Rehearsal, Band Concert, Drama Performance, Mid State Auditions, Parents Night Out, Therapy, Christmas Parade, and more... plus we just had our wonderful Christmas Pageant at church last night.

I am hoping to post my holiday recipes this week, but don't be angry with me if I don't get to it. :-)

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas is coming!

So... it's the 4th of December. Just one week from Thanksgiving. Who all has their decorating done?

LOL... We have what we are doing outside done. Inside we need to finish up tonight and tomorrow.

St. Nicholas day is the 6th. Anybody use it to avoid Santa? We do. Sorta became necessary when we brought our two families together. I had never really done Santa and with my kids we emphasis that Jesus provides our needs and wants so, Jesus is who the presents come from. With Jeff's two they were all about Santa and the materialism of the commercialism of Christmas. So the compromise is that we do a devotion on St. Nicholas and explain who he was and why he is associated with Christmas. (I'll post the devotion later today)

It seems to be working out. On St. Nick's eve the kiddos leave their shoes by their doors and in the morning find a little present in them. (VERY inexpensive and nothing that big)

We still need to figure out what exactly we are doing for Christmas. We had thought about having a friends party the Saturday after Christmas. I don't know though. I would love to have friends over but the business is going crazy.

This weekend is busy. Tomorrow evening the elementary school aged kids are performing in the city park in Dickson as a premiere for "Miracle on Main St." The actual performance is Sunday night at church.

Next week Britt has practice for the band concert on Monday. Both Kimmie and Britt have the Band Concert on Tuesday. Wednesday is church, Thursday is Kimmie Drama performance, Saturday (13th) Kimmie has mid state auditions at McGavock in Nashville.

I am sure there is more going on too. Wouldn't have it any other way.

I forgot... Benji has his Echo on Monday. We are praying his heart is healed.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Another Manic Monday it seems.

First up, thanks to everybody that has stopped by lately. Hope you enjoy. I also hope to do the 12 of 12 monthly.

Did everybody have a good Father's Day? We had family from out of town come in and we had a big cook out at Nana and Papa's. It was nice... just wish the missing brother and his family could have made it.

Then Sunday night we went in to the drive in. It was customer appreciation weekend so it was free. We saw Alvin and the chipmunks.

This evening planning on re-establishing part of the garden and planting potatoes.... figure it couldn't hurt. Depending how Jeff is doing once he gets off work we may till up another area to plant some more seeds too..

Well.... we are off to the library and then to pick up the fab 4 from Kamp Kandu. Hope they have had fun.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a Beautiful day!

And I am not entirely certain I will get to enjoy it. LOL... figures right?

On tap today is Benji at preschool (which he is there now until 10:45), weeding out the front flower bed that I keep putting off... I really need to do it, Benji's physical therapy evaluation, and I think that is it. I pray it is at least.

I have to find my insurance cards, I have misplaced my black book with all of them in it. I do think I have copies of Benji's cards though so I should be okay. His PT evaluation is basically a repeat of the one in January... more of than on his blog though. ( The appointment is in Fairview, which I am not very familiar with so I will google the address and leave about 2pm.

The flower bed, we didn't put weed block down because we want what we planted to spread out. Unfortunately, grass, dandelions, and Lord only knows what else has decided they like the soil. Other than that I think when we get back from Benji's appointment I am gonna plant my
potatoes... (late I know.. but I think it will be okay.) I am going to till in some good black top soil into the potato bed and see if it helps... the squash and cucumbers are looking blah and the tomatoes aren't looking too hot. We forgot to amend the soil when we started.

I am praising God that there is no practice or games tonight! We need evenings where we can just sit at home and work or relax... Jeff did say he wanted to start on the fence to go around the pool this evening. It's just a 3 ft metal fence and it is within our fence that we will be putting it. We think it is best so the boys stay out of the pool when we aren't back there. Shouldn't be too hard to put up either.

Oh! 2 of the 3 grape vines I have planted have green on them! I think the third one might too. I am excited! I know we probably won't get grapes this year, but knowing that we will in the future and that we are growing them is just awesome! Isn't it awesome when we turn to the
land and work it as God intended? I hope we can get some apple trees either this fall or next spring.

I had better get, need to find the insurance cards and at least get started on the flower bed.

What is everybody planning on doing for the weekend?

Faith Johnson ~ Christian Parenting ~ Our Family Site

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13


Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Friday... wow

It's Friday afternoon already... I didn't think today would ever get here this week.  It's been busy.

We have been working in the flower beds as we could, we have had alot of rain and family activities this week.

Monday Benji had his OT appointment. He did good... or at least as good as we can expect right now. I am losing hope in the medical services available to him. But I am trusting in the Lord that He is in control and things will work out for little one. He is FINALLY getting into a new PT. His PT had evaluated him insisted that he get new inserts (feet) and allegedly ordered them... then disappeared. We have an appointment on the 22nd for him. Thank you Jesus.

Monday night I took Brittany to her ball game in a neighboring town. In the 2nd inning the pitcher didn't like her being all up on the plate and hit her. Hit the inner wrist on her left arm. Resulted in a trip to the ER since her bones are fragile. (She's been on steriods since she was 4 for the asthma. I think it was 4 at least) No broken bones praise God. She is still sore, but that is to be expected.

Tuesday was the pre-K field trip to the Zoo. So I went with Micah. We had alot of fun. While on the trip I was informed that the kindergarten meeting was Tuesday night at 6. That would have been no problem but Kimmie had her band concert at a different school at 7:30. Thanks to the Lord things fell perfectly into place. One of Kimmie's friends had asked if Kimmie could go with her to the concert so I didn't have to be there until 7:30 where she had to be there at 6:30. The kindergarten meeting ended at 7 and I had plenty of time to get where needed.

Wednesday was just a tired day. After Benji was done with his preschool we were as lazy as possible until the big kids got home. Brittany had practice that was going to be 5-6:30 but they extended it to 8. I took Benji with in hopes to try out the new stroller I picked up from Toys R Us when I was in Nashville on Monday. Alas... it is too short for this momma. So I left Britt in the capable hands of her coaches and took Benji to Nana's until it was time to get Britt. She was able to pitch and bat and did good. The wrist is still sore, but she has function.

Thursday... We had our MOPs tea and it was wonderful. I am still stuffed! It was a hoot... and I can honestly say that I felt out of place... I am not a dress up and have tea kinda gal. It was fun though, one of the ladies is from the Russia area and she sang an opera song about love. It was a lovely time. Then got home and planted my grape tomato and cherry and roma tomato.... I had stopped by the nursery on the way into MOPs and they had lemon grass. It is classified as a perennial but another customer said it wasn't in this area. I figure I'll just bring some of it in in the fall.

Today... I am proud to say I am still in my pajamas... Me and Benji slept in after the big kids went to school. This evening we are going to watch E.T for the kiddos, it's on Nickelodeon, and me and Jeff are going to enjoy the new episode of Doctor Who.

For the weekend it will consist of weeding out flower beds and the garden, mowing the grass, hopefully getting the potatoes in the ground and building another bed... Gotta figure out if I can put oregano and parsley in a partial sun area. And Britt has a ball game at 2 on Saturday.

Have a good Weekend!

Faith Johnson ~ Christian Parenting ~ Our Family Site

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just in case you ....

I have discovered how to post pictures to the blog from my phone, so... over the next week or so I will download all of my pictures from my phone to the blog and then as I have time I will edit it and date it to where it needs to be. So, just letting you know in case you see posts one minute and then they disappear.

I should have another update here in a couple days too.

God Bless!
