Monday, March 27, 2006

Back to school new routine...

So, I am starting new routines this week. 1) No TV for the week. The kiddos are going to have to use their imagination even if it kills them. LOL. 2)I am going to walk at least 30 minutes everyday, even if it kills me. 3) We are going back to our family devotions. The girls are always asking for us to do them, and we need to. So we are. :) 4) I am going to become a morning person... and in doing so I will be moving my bible study time to 5:30am. PRAY for me PLEASE!!!

This morning did not go as planned. I had the alarm set for 5:30am... I didn't get up until 7:30.... Thankfully the girls were on auto pilot and Jeff got them up at 6am. I didn't get to my Bible Study yet, but I plan to do that after lunch today when the boys are taking nap. Nana took Josh to Speech. He did well according to the teacher. He manipulates her though. It's somewhat humorous, but I shouldn't take joy in that. No matter how I feel about her now.

This evening since Britt's softball practice was cancelled I am going to take her walking with me. Since she and Kimmie got home Friday, neither of them can fit into their jeans hardly anymore. I wouldn't have thought a child could gain 5-10 pounds in a matter of a week. *sigh* I suppose I should be thankful they had food. I have long since acknowledged that I can not control what the girls do when they are not with me, I just wish others had the same concern that I do for their health. I don't want my children having to struggle with their weight for the rest of their lives, I don't want them to have diabetes or at high risk for heart problems. I want all of my children to be healthy.

Anyhow... on to other things... I joined to get a better grasp on keeping the house organized. I am planning on having a HUGE yard sale in May, June at the latest to get rid of the stuff. What ever don't sell, I will be taking down o either the help center or Good will. I want things organized so that when we do build the new house, we don't have such a hard time getting moved.

Well, I have got to be going.. Lots' and lots to do!

Be blessed as you go through your day!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Spring Break is Nearing the End

Ahhh... isn't it amazing how quickly yet how slowly 2 weeks can go by? Kimmie and Brittany will be coming home this afternoon and we are going to make cookies and have a movie night. They are excited and so is Allie. I am going to let the girls help with the cookies. LOL... Kimmie wanted Chocolate Chip and Britt wants Peanut Butter so we are going to make Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies.

Allie had her 9 year check up today. She is doing great! She gained 2.5 pounds since November!!! Praise God!! She is healthy physically. The eye screen came back that she needs to go to the eye doctor... 20/70 ... not good. Our pediatrician, Dr. Baust is also setting us an appointment with a therapist to help Allie with her RAD/PTSD. I am so excited!!

Josh is having a good couple of days. I am enjoying it while it lasts. He has actually taken a nap the last two days and gone to sleep at night at a normal time. It is good for him to have 'normal days'.

Anyhow, I joined a support group on for RAD. It's not a Christian group specifically but there are alot of Christians in it. Plus they rely alot on the books and information from Nancy Thomas and a few others. Which I just ordered one of her books and another on RAD. I am praying that we can get this taken care of before it's really bad.

God is good!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Week 1 of Spring Break

Ahhh... the first week of our spring break has come to a close. From what I can tell fun was had by all. Kimmie and Britt went to Spring Break camp where they studied Colossians 3:23, the scripture about doing your work as unto the Lord. They had alot of fun and even took pictures while they were there.
The rest of us at home did housework and played. Not a whole lot went on. Tried to stay relaxing for the most part. Benji did have his one year check up on Tuesday. He's good and healthy.
Softball season started too. Last night was Brittany's first practice. She's the only one playing this year. And she is already for it after having a good basketball season.
WE picked out some fabric for Kimmie's Easter dress. It's cute and the pattern I think is perfect for her. I had also picked up some fabric for both Kimmie and Britt to make skirts. Those too are so hard to find dresses and skirts for them that are decent.
I still need to go through clothes for Allie. We have so many clothes for her it's crazy!
And now on to week 2 of Spring Break.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Under Construction

We are currently working on putting our site together. We will be password protected because this is our family website and I don't want any crazy freaks knowing everything about us. You know who you are. Sadly, most of the crazy freaks are probably friends of ours. LOL ^.^'

If you want access to this site I suggest you email Faith... don't have her email? hmmm... I don't know what to tell ya then.

Anyhow... we will have the photo album up shortly and probably some web games, merely for some fun.