Monday, February 26, 2007

God is so good!

Through all the mess that we have to deal with we still see God's grace.

While the reason we are in the place we are in today is not the best of circumstances, it has allowed us to get Allie and Josh the help they need and for us to be equipped in meeting their needs with Post Traumatic Stress disorder and attachment disorder. The therapist that Josh is seeing is the best child therapist in our area and Allie's old therapist will be sharing office space it appears. Which means Allie should be able to get back with her. We are praying.

There are many things that I could list and share but because this is the world wide web and there are people that intend to not meet our children's best interests I can't share them.

The most awesome thing is after I get about 2 thousand forms filled out, and as long as we can get either the pediatrician or her old therapist to sign off on it, Allie can start horse therapy. And the AWESOME THING IS THAT THEY ARE IN THE AREA!!! It's about 16 miles from the house. I am so excited! I am excited for Allie knowing how much she loves horses and that they are the one thing she really responds positively to.

Anyhow, after this post I am going to lock the blog. I hate having to worry about who is getting nosy about my family. And I could go on and I could throw insults and such, because I do have tracking enabled on this blog, and I do know who is looking and reading. I won't stoop to that level. It's not godly and well, it's not worth my time.

I do have a prayer I would like to share.

Lord, you are the most awesome Lord, Almighty God, You are our Deliverer and Comforter. You are there in our time of need. You are the Healer, the Great Physician. You give us strength when we need it and make us weak when we are stubborn. I praise you Lord.
I think you God for your many blessings. I thank you for keeping our children safe and getting them the help they need Lord. I thank you Lord for healing our children. Healing the minds of those that were abused and neglected at the hand of another and that you entrusted in our care.
Lord I pray that you continue protecting all of our children and that you give us the strength to fight the battles that are thrown at us by the world and those that do not know you. We know you Lord have the ultimate victory. Lord I ask of you to show us the way. To give us the wisdom and to provide what is needed. AMEN.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Snow Snow Snow

You know it's pretty bad when it snows rather heavily but we only get maybe an inch on the ground. The kids were disappointed but it was just so cold. It has been very cold around here the last month. Down here in Tennessee we aren't used to temperatures hovering around freezing during the day and soaring down into the low 20s and teens. We are gratefully looking forward to having temperatures in the 40s and 50s this coming week.

Jeff took Allie and Josh to the mall last week while I stayed home with Benji and Micah. They had a fun time and Josh was very excited to see the Star Wars guys. We are still having to highly limit what they can be exposed to. Just seeing the Star Wars guys got him acting out heavy aggression. Jeff told him that it wasn't nice hitting people and he said I know and proceeded to hit Allie. He then said he was Darth Vader and Jeff told him Darth Vader is the bad guy. Josh said I know, I want to be him.

Days like that makes things unfathomable to me. If you teach a child to respect others and to follow the rules, after a while they should understand if they are a normal child right? Not really meant to compare but both Micah and Benji understand that you don't hit others and that you respect others space. Micah obviously has a better grasp being 3 1/2 than Benji at not quite 2. I just wish the therapist saw what we see with Josh.

God has a reason for all of this. Why would God bring Allie and Josh to us if it weren't for us to get them the help they need? They have progressed, just not nearly as much as we would have hoped. How do you teach a child about love when they have a misconception of what it is?


Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Allie


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Benji & Micah ! Ring around the Chair

These two guys are full of energy this morning being the only ones home with mom. Here's a brief look at what they like to get into.

disclaimer *No children, pets or furniture were harmed during the filming of this clip.

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Josh @ mall with Daddy
