Sunday, May 17, 2009

Working on the Garden

We are working on the garden today. All the rain we have gotten has made it difficult to get things planted and to things growing.
We lost most of our green beans and the first batch of carrots. Squash and Zuchinni are late. The red onions are looking good though.
Today we are re-seeding the green beans. Then planting sweet potatoes and hopefully red potatoes. Kinda late, but we are hearing a lot of people lost their potatoes to rot.
We planted the 'yellow' tomatoes in pots this year hoping we have a better harvest. I can't wait to make tomato sauce this summer! We also have 9 sweet pepper plants in the garden. YUMMY!
Praying the Lord blesses us with a bountiful harvest. And a deep freezer would be great!
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just Started Reading

I'm not sure how well you know our family, so I will give a quick summary. We are a blended family with six children. Our 3 oldest are girls. Kimmie, 14 Allie, 12 and Britt, 11. The 3 youngest are boys. Josh, 7 Micah, 5 and Benji, 4. Allie and Josh have emotional delays and struggle in school. Josh's is addressed with occupational therapy and understanding that he has sensory integration disorder. Britt has asthma, and Benji is our 'special needs' child. (His story is on

Because of our family situation my mom was at a conference or something and met Nina Fuller. She was inspired by Mrs. Fuller and intrigued by the book that she had written. So she bought it, and then she gave it to me. (It's funny almost... it sat at her house for a while... I have had it in my possession for about a month.)

I opened the book this morning. I was humbled very quickly by the title of the first chapter or... Daily Dose. 'Give Me Strength'

I am looking forward to taking this journey. The book is written for 31 days. I hope to share with you while I am on my journey. I am sure you understand if I miss a day or too. I do get caught up in motherhood alot. :o)

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Middle of the Week

It's another Wednesday here. The middle of the week rush.

We have found ourselves with 4 children going on field trips, award ceremonies, and then 8th grade prom. WOW!

There is more next week too.

Meanwhile at home, we are working on getting the garden going. With all the rain we have had it has been difficult.

The barn/shed is built. We still need to tear down the old one so we can use the tin roof and old barn wood to finish it. Once it is completed it will look fabulous!

Now I need to find a recipe for honey bbq sauce. We are avoiding high fructose corn syrup and that means we have to get creative. :o)

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Friday, May 08, 2009

Mother's Day Specials

I just got this and thought I would share. I am sure I am not the only one that loves TLC.

Apple iTunes

Celebrate Mother's Day with the moms of TLC! For a limited time get episodes from top shows for just $.99 cents, plus download a free collection of episodes from five great shows included Jon & Kate Plus 8, 18 Kids and Counting, Table for 12, Little People, Big World, and Toddlers & Tiaras.

Also... love music? Does your mom need more music for the iPod or other mp3 player you got her?

Apple iTunes

Clicking through the above links will help us earn a small affiliate fee. There is no additional charge to you for doing this. We appreciate you, our visitor, using our links.

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Summer Schedule Ideas

So I was looking at our family's summer schedule and realized there are a couple things that are not set in stone yet. It concerns me since we have 3 that really thrive on schedules (aside from myself)

Our oldest was nominated to take an 'Algebra Camp' where she will get help with her math skills and also career training.. and the cool part? She will get paid! But we don't know if she is accepted or not. This matters because it is 5 weeks and from 9am-3pm. It makes it so we can't go to the zoo as much if she gets in. (Which is great! I mean help with her math, I don't have to pay and it opens doors for her!)

The same beautiful child has band camp for 2 weeks in the end of July. This is a definite. I have to remember to get sunscreen. :o)

We also have doctor appointments, vision appointments, therapy appointments, I think dental too... I am not seeing an easy way to schedule normalcy through this. I also know I will need some help here and there with having to take one kid in and the rest needing to be elsewhere.

I know it will be taken care of and I know God will provide the means.. it just gets to me not having a schedule in place.

In the middle of the kids scheduling I also have college registration on June 11. I keep telling myself that if this is of God it will work out. This has been a dream of mine to go to school for Journalism since I heard of college. (Okay... maybe not really but it's been a dream for over 20 years. Ouch.. )

Off to figure something out... Any of you plan for summer? Or do you just 'wing it'?

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Monday, May 04, 2009

Since We've been gone

I believe it is safe to say that April was a busy month. I felt like I was continuously on the run. It was fun though.

Britt had softball. While we didn't do as good as we wanted to, we did better than we thought we would. They placed second in our district! Way to go Lady Colonels!

Everybody else has just been busy with school and life.

I have been accepted to APSU. Working on the financial aspect of it. Did get the pell grant so there is some money. Just need to get a better buffer. Thinking about a Stafford Loan but I would really rather not go into debt. Anybody know of somebody that would give me money to go to college?

The down side to all of this college stuff is that aparantly my High School Records misplaced my immunization record. I have called 3 doctors and 2 health departments to see if they had them and they don't. Everybody gets rid of records after so long. *sigh* So I have to get the MMR shots again. Today in about an hour I will be getting the first one. Then in 30 days the second one. Which BTW, I hate shots.

So that is pretty much what is going on with us. End of the school year. It appears everybody is moving on up!

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