Tuesday, August 12, 2008

12 of 12

Hello and welcome to our 12 of 12... Thank's to Chad for coming up with this eons ago and to others I know for doing it so I would see it. I am Faith. I am a stay at home mom that never stays home, and me and Jeff have 6 kids total in our blended family. We live in rural Dickson County, Tennessee. I think that's about it...

7:06am Wake Up! Actually by this time I was up and about for a little while by this time. I got up about 6:30am because that was when Jeff left for work and we tag team the kids in the morning. It's really wonderful, he gets them up at 5:30am and I get to sleep until he leaves for work. Anyhow... today was Micah's first official day in kindergarten and he also got to ride the bus. I don't have a picture because I forgot to take it. Go me...

7:20am Messy Desk So, I decide to check email and get online... it appears somebody or something (as we are owned by a lovely cat) has been on my desk. I decide now, that the desk really needs to be cleaned. I have a feeling there is some important things there. So I should clean it.... right?

8:10am Breakfast Well... Benji got up and decided he was hungry so I figured I should eat too... Breakfast of Champions! Bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats and a glass of Chocolate Ovaltine. I didn't feel like cooking... and yes, I bargain shop when possible... I rarely have name brand anything in the house.

10:30am That's Not The Desk Because I always get to the task at hand.... I completely cleaned out the entertainment center. (Yeah... not the desk... I know) I cleaned off the top and actually cleaned it... the dust was awful! And I pulled everything out and got rid of the dust. I also discovered why we were having problems with one of the DVD players. (Yes we technically have two there... one is a 1st generation DVD player and the other is a DVR. I am glad I did this... Murphy likes to sleep behind the TV (and scare us to death after the doors are closed by pushing them open). It was yucky with kitty hair and slobber.

11:25am Time for School Leaving to take Benji to school. He goes to the school that we are actually close to for preschool. We live between two cities and are literally on the line for the school zone. Benji likes school and he gets OT, PT and SLP services there. It's 3 days a week for 2 hours a day.

12:07pm Grabbing a Few Things While I was in the city limits with Benji I decided I would pick up a few things we needed from the dollar store. Trash bags were a have too, so was the dish soap... the fabric refresher was a good deal and it works just as good as Febreeze with a better smell... My opinion at least.

12:30pm Kroger trip Had to run in to a real city to Kroger because I forgot Micah's snack for school and the local grocery didn't have cupcakes. (Plus it was too late for me to make some) Kroger is about 16 - 18 miles from the house. So, not too bad but I usually try to only go once a week to conserve gas.

12:32pm Cupcakes And mission was successful! We got acceptable cupcakes for a class of 14-18... I forgot how many students there were plus they added a few. The cupcakes were beautiful! Perfect that they had some with hotwheels or whatever on them.

12:50pm Post Office Stopped by the post office to check the mail in the P.O. Box... nothing... apparantly I am not loved. (I do love getting mail... It's P.O. 241)

1:50pm Success!! Got the cupcakes to school on time and we had a happy group of 18 kindergarteners! The teacher and principal enjoyed the cupcakes too.

2:05pm Home Again Got home again.. greated by Murph... She was glad I was home she thought it was time for her to have her canned food (it's a treat). Looked at email again for awhile and woke up just in time to go get Benji from school. He had a good day (I was very glad) and we took it easy until daddy got home. After the rest of the kiddos got home we ate dinner and then I had to take Britt to school for her band meeting.

7:20pm Musician We (Britt, me, Jeff and the band director) decided that the alto sax was a good choice for Britt. She wanted to play a woodwind instrument but not the Clarinet because that is what Kimmie plays. She likes the sound of the sax so, that was her choice. The price tag is hefty but that is why we are renting to own through Music and Arts. I just hope she puts forth the effort. I remember the anxiety from when Kimmie started playing and now look at her. She's one of the best in the district. So, I gotta trust her to do it and she has a great band director. That was pretty much the end of my day... we signed notes and checked homework... got everybody ready for bed and got our stuff ready for tomorrow. Nothing too out of the ordinary... oh... well.. except this....

Murphy wanted a close up. Actually she was demanding alot of attention when I got home. Jeff said the boys were chasing her around the house and she was getting irritated. She is 10 1/2 yrs old ya know... I imagine have 3 boys (6,5,3) chasing her was not her idea of fun. Anyhow... thanks for visiting! I am hoping to do this every month... I know I forgot last month, so... here's to the 12 of 12!

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Um...um.... good

yummy apples.... actually not really.... these are baking apples... but still... the cobbler and the applesauce are gonna be delicious!

I can't wait to start getting on it.... gotta get my kitchen clean first though. :o)

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Saturday, August 09, 2008

What's for Dinner?

Squash, tomatoes and fresh garlic sauteed in extra virgin olive oil.


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Monday, August 04, 2008

Just one of the nuts.

"It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it takes only one of them to scatter it all over the highway."
- Evan Esar

You know... with school starting this past Friday and having to get everybody ready and everybody off, I feel like we are the car and it would only take one slight thing to knock us off schedule.

Praise the Lord though! Everybody that is suppose to be off to school is. Micah and Benji are home today. Brittany is being Diva girl today with her birthday dress and tiara. She's so cute, and I don't say that just because she's my daughter. She is really cute. The dress looks really good on her. I'll post a picture later.

I am hoping to be able to get the house back in order and get things back to some resemblance of control. Every where I look I see messes... So I am picking one room a week in addition to keeping up the normal stuff. You know... laundry, running Benji to school, dishes, laundry, running Benji to therapy, laundry, garden, etc...

So today... I hope to get the following done..

Laundry (I was and dry, Jeff folds and puts away)
Make ice cream (gotta run and get some ice)
Get Micah's birthday present (yes.. I procrastinate)
Straighten the Kitchen
Clean the living room (minus the office area)
Have fun with the boys

That doesn't look too bad does it? Now.. it's just a matter of getting it all done in time for the birthday party tonight. With Britt's bday being today and Micah's being tomorrow, we are doing a family party this evening and they will have their friend parties 2 weekends from now.

Bless you!

And I leave you with this scripture...

"For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34

Do you have joy?
