Saturday, February 10, 2007

Benji & Micah ! Ring around the Chair

These two guys are full of energy this morning being the only ones home with mom. Here's a brief look at what they like to get into.

disclaimer *No children, pets or furniture were harmed during the filming of this clip.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Old Picture of Micah and Benji

Not really sure when this was taken... It's so cute. I know we were at the McDonald's in Kingston Springs. And I believe it was the first time Benji actually got up in the tubes and was playing so probably May of 2006. They had so much fun.

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Friday, July 07, 2006


Gale had come over to help with the house. She and I think it was Kimmie painted the cabinet doors. This picture is during a break and Micah decided to demand some attention. The blue room is Kimmie's, it's where we kept the little ones as we were working on the house.

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